The Story of Starting Part 1

a note from kelly:At age 19, I felt like I was living some one else's story for my life. I was so sick, tired, and unsure what my future looked like while I was struggling with an autoimmune disease that I became passive and just let whatever come my way and I would handle it then. Being sick defined every detail of my life from work, relationships, and how I saw myself.THEN- You get the call from the doctors that you are going to prep for a surgery that will define how you can live the rest of your life…. and a light bulb 💡 goes off. That is when I started to own my story and became proactive on what I needed to do to live the life I envisioned!⏩ Fast forward from the “AHAH!" moment (and a sh*t- ton of action),I am feeling healthier than ever!

When I was going through this season of life, there was NOTHING like this shared on FaceBook, Im not even sure Instagram was a thing (🧑🏼🦳lol), and even Google Search had no answers- and I remember being “in it” and thinking, no one should have to do this alone.
I didn't know how- but I was determined to find purpose in the struggle and how I was going to help others. Write a book? Support Groups? Maybe…
⏩ Fast forward again (with the addition to many more life seasons) I started a snack company!! My passion for food and knowing how hard it was to find quick, delicious foods when you are busy, traveling, simply wanting to grab a convenient snack at a store, or even being sick will little energy, has lead my story to starting Kelly Jean Snacks. 💙

I hope you guys are enjoying this series of behind the scenes of why we started Kelly Jean Snacks and as we continue to go into more fun details on all the adventures of a newbie entrepreneur getting into the food business!!
We are just getting started!